How to install/run Windows program without administrator rights
Some windows apps need administrator rights to run or install. Now i want to share How to install/run Windows program without administrator rights Requirements: Windows PC Notepad The program that needs admin rights to run note: This method doesn't always work Then do these steps below You can also download the file HERE then you can start reading from step 4. Open notepad Put this code into notepad THE RED TEXT >>> cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" "%1"" Save the notepad as ALL FILES (not text document) then give .bat format Then, drag the file to desktop. If you download the file HERE extract the file then put it to desktop. Create the shortcut of the program you want to run as administrator. Then drag the program to .bat file you have created. If there's an error, check the shortcut's name. there's should be no space in the shortcut name. Remove the space. Repeat ...